Sunday, February 25, 2007

Family Story Part 1

“Chris, stop doing that!” My dad yelled as I was sliding down the banister. I was about 8 at the time and didn’t see any harm in going down the railing on the stairs. I thought it was just harmless fun. But now I now what damage it can do after my dad told me his story.

My dad’s story starts off when he was in 3rd grade at John Muir Elementary School. He had a friend named Jimmy
Scisero that would go “banister sliding” with my dad at lunch breaks. On one particular day, they were on the second floor and racing to the lunch line, which was on the first floor. So of coarse my dad was sprinting to the banister to slide down. He basically belly floped onto the railing like an over-weighted-penguin-that-had-too-much-to-eat and fell off of the railing onto the first floor. He was knocked unconscious and his wrist was broken.

When he first woke up from being unconscious, he starts yelling and screaming because of all the pain. The principle heard him screaming so the principle called my dad’s mom. My grandma then took my father to my grandfather, because he was a doctor and he could analyze my dad’s injury.

My grandfather figured out that my dad had a broken wrist and his spleen was ruptured. My grandfather then
carried my dad to the hospital, which was 2 blocks away. At the hospital, they had to put my dad “under the knife” so they used anesthesia to knock him out. The doctors removed his spleen and put his arm in a plaster cast. My dad was all healed after a couple weeks and everything was back to normal.

The moral behind this story is to not go down the banister, or, to go down the banister and not get hurt. Either way, my dad’s accident was a hard way to teach a lesson.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Me, Myself and I

When I think of myself, I think of an adventurous, comical, and athletic kid. I search the land in need for something to catch my interests, I crack jokes when the time is right, and I have been playing sports all my life. The main sport I play is soccer. I have been playing for about eleven years and I think I am fairly descent. I have gone to Nationals, been to big tournaments and even lost close games. I am a player, of soccer that is, and I am Chris.

We have to blog, why?

I think we are using the "blog technique" so we have a wider audience. If we post our writings and other things (video, music etc.) we will write differently because we know that others are seeing it, not just our teacher. So our techniques of writing will hopefully get better. It will also be easier for me because when I get home, I go straight to my computer. I have to check my messages, maybe play some games, but now I can go straight to doing homework on the Internet. I also feel like this is safer than a "myspace" or "facebook" because who would want to look at a 9th grade English class, now that I think of it, maybe some nasty perverts will.


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